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December 16, 2004:

Location: Sina Shanghai broadcast station

Time: 1:30 – 2:30 pm 



Introduction: Ma Jing Tao, Chan Sau Man, Chan Chin Pang and Ma Su joined the Sina Shanghai broadcast station for a special interview.  These four had been accepted by audiences ever since the series “Love in a Miracle” had been released台前幕后.  Below is an excusive interview that had been translated in to English:

Director: Welcome everybody for arrived at Sina as honor guests.  Today, we are very fortunately to welcome these (all 主创人员) males and females lead of the drama: “Love in a Miracle” to our show.   We welcome the first main lead: Ma Jing Tao- pony elder brother, Chan Sau Man, Ma Su and Chan Chin Pang.  Also, let’s welcome the supervised manufacture of the drama: Mr. Yang Shaohong.   Mr. Yang Shaohong will help us introduce his special one of a kind drama.

Yang Shaohong: Actually, this drama settled in the late 30s. We always wanted to make a drama that was similar to the soap opera “The Good Old Days.”  Therefore, when we thought of a theme, we automatically thought of this period, the period when the Japanese invaded China and we wanted to center the story on 4 individual souls.  These souls were very much differ from one another, basically all souls started out good.  Then the good condemned becoming bad.  The rough-draft for this story was initially very lengthy.  

Director:  Can you tell us about the theme song? It was such a masterpiece.  It was just so great.  Many fans wanted to know more about how this song.  How it was written and about the couple who sang the theme?

Ma Jing Tao: This theme song was sung by Chan Chin Pang and Sau Man.  It was such a “cloud patterns chorus.”  Actually, we wanted have a song that similar to “The Good Old Days.”  However, the penetration-sound manager hoped that we could bring some thing different so the audiences, like surprised them a little bit with a new theme song, and we attempted that.

Director:  Other fans asked Miss Chan, they said that you were so good.  In fact, my and I girls are your faithful fans.  We always thought that you, an impressive Hong Kong actress, performed extremely exquisite in this drama.  You were certainly fit for any role; most of the roles you played were so great.  Most of the time, your roles dealt with a traditional type related.  How did you developed in to this role since you are a modern working woman?

Chan Sau Man: Formerly, I played as a modern woman type.  In these past years, I played the characters that wore more ancient costumes and I got used to that.  For any type of roles, I developed and tried my best to fit in to that style.  I tried my best to breathe the character’s breath, the way the character walked and talked.

Director: I knew "Love in a Miracle” theme song was Chan Chin Pang sang together with Amy, can you sing this to us now?

Ma Jing Tao: You must sing the national language version.

Chan Sau Man:  (joking) with out music?  It is very difficult to do.

Chan Chin Pang: (joking) with out music? We do not want to destroy the feeling of the song.

Chan Sau Man: (Scene sonorous singing...)

Chan Chin Pang: (Scene sonorous singing...)

Director: (asked Chin Pang) “Unfolds the huge mythical bird,” is this the first time you make a play in mainland? 

Chan Chin Pang: Second time.

Director: "Love in a Miracle," in the middle of this play, were there any memorable things, such as strong feelings about something that you wanted to disclose to our friends?

Chan Chin Pang: Not any in particular.  However, I was very anxious, because this was the first role that seemed very heavy for me.  Also, this was the first time that I developed a villain role.  Before, I had never played a villain role, but the supervised manufacture said to me: “Actually, your appearance should be a villain.”  Possibly, I don’t know if that is true, but thanks to him.

Yang Shaohong: How about Uncle Ma, our Double Horse (joking), the happiest man here. 

Chan Chin Pang:  Actually, people compared our roles after seeing this drama.  But don’t forget that there were other great actors too.

Ma Su: Because this was also my first time to speak Cantonese; the majority of people in the drama spoke Cantonese. They cooperated well.  Therefore, from the beginning, the pressure was big.  And this plays was quite strong挑战性.  I had to learn how to develop from a young girl, in to a young married woman, and a mother.  When I looked at my appearance, I did not like the role of the mother.  Over all, these roles were quite difficult to make audiences to like me.

Director:  (to Ma Su) This is a one of a kind challenge.  How about our “pony elder brother”?

Ma Jing Tao:  I think it was amusing how these two women: one had been pregnant with my child; the other had to install a pillow daily to cover other’s eyes.  This drama sets in an amusing time period, where two people entered each other’s soul in only 6 nights, and after these 6 nights, they remembered each other’s love with eternal gratitude.  But let Amy express her thoughts.

Director: AMY, chat with us.

Chan Sau Man:  The story was interesting.  The girl could not see the man who changed her entire life.  He too, could not see her during the seven nights together. 

Director: Some friends said that Miss Chan now is more and more attractive.

Chan Sau Man: Thanks.

Director: Other said that you dress up very well and you were hot.  You went to Shanghai?

Ma Jing Tao:  I was there for a fashion show: "To burn for You", began shooting already last two weeks, therefore, I was here for more than a half month.

Director:  Fans hope to see you as a happy person.

Ma Jing Tao: I thank all fans for their support.  This time with Sau Man, we cooperated well and were再续前缘.  Thanks to our supervised manufacture for promoted us again.  This made my day substantial.  We were now more open and became good friends.

Director: I knew AMY has an individual website right? I had recently looked up and discovered that you have and individual website made especially just for you. 

Chan Sau Man: The website are made by fans, I do not have an official website. 

Director: Does the “pony elder brother” have an official website?

Ma Jingtao: I have many websites.  Fans help me and they completed the websites for me.  They gathered information and news, thanks to them.  I do not have lots of time to access the internet.  I do look at the message center.  I do that affectively.  

Chan Sau Man:  I don’t know how to thank them. 

Director: The next question, Mr. Yang, "Love in a Miracle" is now broadcasting in Shanghai, where next?

Yang Shaohong: Now broadcasting in Shanghai, then Guangzhou and Beijing.

Director: When did Shanghai probably broadcast?

Yang Shaohong: December 18.

Director:  Hope that fans can watch this special drama.  Can the Yang supervisor tell us how these four actors and actresses combine together in this drama?

Yang Shaohong: It had been great for Steve and Amy to work together again.  I thought these two were extremely good actor and actress.  I thought of a good theme for this drama.  We also gathered lots of domestic actors.  We saw "大唐 Song Flies" and we appreciated Ma Su a lot.  We appreciated this young girl.  In this series, we appreciated how she developed from a young girl to a mother.  This was a challenge to her, we knew that.  Chin Pang’s appearance really was evil.  Therefore, everybody had a special role and together we made this play so wonderful. 

Director: Christmas day is drawing near.  How does everyone prepare for Christmas day?

Ma Jing Tao: I will celebrate in Shanghai, because I am working here.  If our supervised manufacture wants to gather everybody to Shanghai to celebrate Christmas that would be the best.  Moreover, I wish all fans have a joyful day and best wishes to all.

Director: I’m sure fans wish you-pony-elder-brother a Merry Christmas, too.

Ma Jing Tao: Thanks.

Ma Su: I should be in Beijing.

Director:  How about Christmas presents?

Ma Su: not prepared yet. 

Director: I have many friends in Beijing who plan to buy a big Christmas tree. 

Chan Chin Pang: I will be in Hong Kong, because I had signed an Asian television contract.  For the new special edition, I must go back there to meet with other Hong Kong audiences.

Yang Shaohong: I will take a vacation in Hong Kong.

Ma Jing Tao: last year, we had an opened party. 

Director:  people asked Mr. Yang, when will Love in a Miracle broadcast in Beijing.

Yang Shaohong: Beijing? I estimate around the Spring Festival.

Director: Will Amy celebrate Christmas with your family?

Chan Sau Man: Yes, because other time I went to work and when there is a holiday, I will spend all time with my family. 

Director:  Fans love to see Amy and Steve together.  And you two cooperated more and more this time.  Many heavenly bless to both in the coming Christmas. 

Ma Jing Tao: Thanks.

Director:  At the same time, fans asked why Amy has not been to Beijing lately.  When will you arrive to Beijing?

Chan Chin Pang:  I expect a trip to Beijing in January. 

Director: What channel will this drama broadcast in?

Yang Shaohong: Shanghai television station soap opera channel.

Director: That is on the 18th, in soap opera channel.

Yang Shaohong: Eight o'clock.

Director: What is Amy’s most unforgettable moment?

Chan Sau Man: the big result, you know? When the drama is rated by fans.

Ma Jingtao: I, now, recollect that anxious feeling.

Director: Chin Pang and Ma Su, any unforgettable scenes?

Ma Su: Both of us did not have a lot of scenes together.

Ma Su:  I have a lot of unforgettable moments with Steve.  We cooperated together well. He taught me many things, Amy too.  This drama was the one that I harvested a quite big role.  It guided me to a deeper understanding in sentimental drama.  You know? (Smiles)

Chan Chin Pang: This was my first time to work with Steve.  But he gave me lots of pressure.  He had this great expression when he walked and talked.  When I looked at him, he was a big statue, he was like a leader.  I really felt pressure.  I really mean it.  Amy and I discussed this drama all the time, she asked me: how do you want to develop your character?

Chan Sau Man: I also give you pressure too?

Chan Chin Pang: A lot of pressure. I held a meeting in Hong Kong, one of the friend said that you developed a good dialogue in this drama.  She said that you were at the ripe of your role.  As for my role, it was very intense.  She said that my dialogue is very… fierce.

Ma Jing Tao:  Well, I think Chin Pang performed so well.  I think we must give him a drum of applause.  Any actor had to withstand some kind of pressure around elder actors and actresses.  This kind of pressure is joy able sometimes for new actor.  When I started to act, I was so anxious when I worked with a famous name.  This kind of pressure pushes you to work harder.  It is quite good.

Chan Sau Man: Yes.

Director: Do you have anything to say about Ma Su’s character?

Chan Chin Pang: Is not very clear.

Yang Shaohong: (joking) never say not clear.  Now it may not seem clear, but cooperate for several months then maybe it becomes clear

Chan Chin Pang: Sometimes, I don’t understand the standard spoken Chinese.  Now I understand, before that, I listened to them and have no idea what they were saying.

Chan Sau Man:  (pointed at Chin Pang) he must answer this question…

Yang Shaohong: we wanted to ask you, is Ma Su in your eyes a special girl…?

Chan Chin Pang:  I really had not seen her in any other series or movies.  But her personality in real life is very lovable, very refined, very dissimilar with Hong Kong's girls.

Director:  What do you mean by dissimilar?

Chan Chin Pang:  The way she looks at the culture is different from the Hong Kong girls.

Yang Shaohong:  (to Ma Su) Now on the contrary, what do you think about his character?

Ma Su: Resembles good.

Chan Chin Pang: It is not good.

Ma Su: His acting is truly good, said so Steve.  I will not say anything more than this, because, compared to him, I’m also new. 

Director:  Amy, what languages can you speak?

Chan Sau Man: Three kinds, Cantonese, English and the national language.

Director:  (to Chin Pang) Fans asked: what is your ultimate goal right now in this entertainment field?

Chan Chin Pang: I’m studying the national language.  I’m not too good at it. 

Director:  Our happy time went so quickly.  It is the end of the show already.  Let’s hear what these famous faces have to say to us all.

Yang Shaohong:  Hope that fans will support this new drama.  It is broadcasting at 6:00 pm.

Ma Jing Tao:  Hope fans support us. 

Chan Sau Man:  Hope everyone watch this drama.

Ma Su: Hoped everybody pay attention to this play, hoped this play can fly.

Chan Chin Pang: This play has a strong feeling on life, hoped everybody will watch this drama.

Director: Thanks to Amy, Steve, Chin Pang and Ma Su.  Thanks for coming to our Sina show.  Thanks fellow friends who help us airing this right now.  Also, thanks to our audiences.  We now deliver to you a present: a photo album with signatures.



*** According to

Translated by Allison